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A Snow White Story

A Snow White Story

A Snow White Story is an experimental dining product collection inspired by Snow White, a well-known fairy tale across the world. After reading the story, if the moral of Snow White indicates that accepting something from strangers is dangerous, what do other characters symbolise in the story? This project provokes the power of storytelling and how readers create an exploration of the meanings and metaphors. People usually interpret stories in different ways from their perception. By adding a narrative perspective into the product design, the collection transforms a reading experience into a self dining experience and advocates users to discover the more profound meaning behind the design. 

| Role | Concept development

            Product design

| Year | Jun 2014

| Graduation Project at Tunghai University |

| Material | Plate: porcelain, enamel
                  Utensils: stainless steel, magnet
                  Red wine glass: glass
                  Dining table: beech wood
                  Dining chair: beech wood, iron tube

A Snow White Story
A Snow White Story
A Snow White Story

The Magic Mirror and the Evil Queen

The magic mirror and the evil queen transform into an elegant plate with 36 enamel painted triangles inside. These small pieces at an elevation angle of 150 degrees create reflection, which dazzles the meal and the diner with glow and shadows

The Kind Huntsman

The red wine glass has a general exterior but a distinct interior, just like the Huntsman in the story. It kindly instructs the standard pour of wine, a 1/3 full. The double-layered glass protects the wine from the air not to foul the taste
A Snow White Story
A Snow White Story
A Snow White Story
A Snow White Story
A Snow White Story
A Snow White Story

Squirrel, Stag and Hare

In the story, animals help Snow White out of the woods. Inspired by this plot, a stag, a hare, and a squirrel develop into utensils assisting users with proper dining etiquette
A Snow White Story
A Snow White Story

The Seven Dwarfs and Snow White

The wooden table set design comes from the idea of 7+1(Seven Dwarfs and Snow White). The four table legs and three chair legs on the same scale represent the seven dwarfs. The curved iron tube with unique wood decoration depicts the gentle greeting from Snow White
A Snow White Story
A Snow White Story
A Snow White Story

Detail of the tableware design

A Snow White Story
A Snow White Story
A Snow White Story

Dining experience

The whole set of A Snow White Story

A Snow White Story

| Credit |

Photography: PoWei Lee, Kaiching Liu, and Saily Shih

Model: Sierra Lee and Annie YuFen Wang

© Dino ShiYong Zhao, all rights reserved

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