Hey! Herring Gulls
| Year | Jul 2021
| Research infographic |
Many species have invaded British cities in the last few decades. Some were encouraged in no small part by an urban ecology movement that flourished in the 1980s. Yet, some had no choice but to move to the metropolis. Herring gulls, one of the most common urban wildlife, are considered a new pest because of the nuisance they make. They’ve migrated inland to the metropolitan from the coastal area since 50 years ago. Though people might doubt that they’re thriving well in the city and their accurate census is hard to be calculated, in general, their total population has sharply halved since their invasion. This infographic visualises my research of herring gull census in the UK and supports my graduation project at UAL, A Little Bird Told Me. (This infographic was created in 2019 and updated in 2021)